Vikram Aur Betaal | साधु और मंत्र | The Hermit and Mantra | Kids Hindi Story

2016-01-07 4

Kahaniya Vikram Aur Betaal | The Hermit and Mantra | साधु और मंत्र | Kids Hindi Story

One day the king meets a saahu who had been giving him a fruit with ruby pieces in it. The King asked the saadhu why he was doing this. The saadhu tells him that it was get his attention. He has a task that only a King like Vikrmaditya can perform. King Vikramaditya had to visit the northern-most corner of a graveyard where he would find a very ancient tree. There would be a corpse hanging from one of its branches. He would have to fetch it for the saadhu, as he was seeking certain occult powers which he would get only if a king brought this particular corpse to him and if he would practice certain rites sitting on it. The condition is that the king should bring the ghost in complete silence, lest Betal, the ghost will fly back with the corpse to its abode. As soon as Vikram attempts to fetch the corpse in which the Betal was residing, the ghost starts to narrate a story. And at the end of every story it compels king Vikram to solve the puzzle of the story, thus breaking his silence. The king would go after the ghost and start all over again.

Moral Of The Story- To master something and to achieve what one wants, one has to concentrate and never lose focus.